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文章作者:  发布时间: 2012-09-07  浏览次数: 726

A .The English Language and Linguistics

1.A study of the relative positions of the premodifiers前位修饰语 in English

2.The English elliptical sentences

3.A linguistic study of the progressive aspect

4.A study of English active form with passive meaning

5.Synactic functions of English noun clause

6.Absolute nominative construction

7.On prepositions of place and their syntactic meanings

8.Emphatic patterns in English

9.Some ways of expressing implied negation

10.A tentative study of the functions of English intonation

11.Variant tone patterns in statements, questions, exclamations and commands

12.Color words in English

13.Learned words and popular words – a study of the interrelation between etymology and register

14.substantivized名词化 phrasal verbs

15.A study of syntactic relations of compound words in English

16. A study of meaning relations in English

17.First language acquisition vs. second language acquisition

18. A study of relatedness between language and society

19.On the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and the influence of language and culture on each other

20.A preliminary study of the application of the set theory in the semantic field theory

21.Cohesion in English

22.Euphemistic expressions in spoken English

23.Features of science English

24.A tentative study of American English as a regional variety

25.A comparative study of passive voice in English and Chinese

26.Meaning and context

27.A comment on the dictionary of Longman Dictionary of American English

28.Semantic adjustment of word meaning in translation

29.Wording characteristics of journalism and ads

30.A pragmatic study of English habitual expressions


B. Literature

1.On the happy endings in Shakespeare’s comedies

2.A view on the differences of the tragic spirit as expressed in English drama and Chinese drama

3.The characterization of Milton’s Satan

4.The Scottish lass and the Romantic tradition – a study on Wordsworth 

5.Byron’s Don Juan and the picaresque hero

6.The structural patterns of Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind”

7.The imagery of death and immortality in Keats’ odes

8.The motifs of death and regeneration in “When lilaces last bloom’d in the dooryard”

9.The treatment of the theme of love in the poetry of the Brownings

10.The characterization of the loyal servant – from Man Friday to Uncle Tom

11.The character of Pickwick and its possible predecessors

12.The function of the moor in Hardy’s novels

13.Evil and punishment – a study of Hawthorne’s major works

14.Journcying towards freedom – an interpretation of the symbols of the river and rafter in Twain’s Huckleberry Finn

15.The clash of the finite and the infinite – an interpretation of Moby Dick

16.The art of the suppression of anger – on the meaning of Hemingway’s code hero

17.Fitzgerald and his rich boys

18.A satire on contemporary American society – a criticism of Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

19.The “luminous Halo” – Virginia Woolf’s theory of fiction and her practice

20.The portraits of failure – on James Joyce’s The Dubliners


C. English Teaching and Learning

1.Teaching English through dialogues

2.Teacher-pupil partnership in middle school English classes

3.On developing intelligence through foreign language teaching

4.Cloze procedure as a pragmatic test

5.Intercultural communication in English leaning

6.Errors in English leaning

7.Grammar vs vocabulary — a dissenting view on the priorities in ELT

8.From a foreign language to a second language — thoughts about the foreign language teaching in our country

9.An investigation of the factors that affect Chinese students’ listening comprehension of English

10.A brief survey of some cooperative aspects of second language leaning and teaching

11.A brief survey of the communicative approach

12.Techniques for motivating students to learn English in junior middle school

13.How to teach English prepositions

14.Achievement tests in foreign language testing

15.Characteristics of an effective English teacher

16.How to design multiple-choice questions

17.An investigation of the difficulties in leaning English pronunciation for Chinese students

18.A survey of the relative advantages of the different techniques used in oral/aural training

19.Teaching spoken English to Chinese scientists and technicians

20.How to master reading skills

21.How to make an oral English class more active and interesting

22.How to use teaching games in English class

24.Bilingual approach in teaching English as a foreign language

25.Analysis of psychological factors in oral English practice

26.Thinking in English while writing

27.A comment on current English textbooks in middle schools

28.The essential points in valuating a successful English class

29.Classroom teaching and after-class work

30.Cultural factors in reading comprehension

31.English teaching academic research


D. American/Western Culture

1.The Civil War and its influence on American history

2.How and why the American Constitution came into being

3.Immigration and development of the United States

4.A brief survey of 1960’s student movement in America

5.The black people’s function in the American Civil war and Lincoln’s contribution to the black people’s liberation

6.American cities in crisis

7.Vietnam War: the America’s nightmare

8.Westward expansion in American history

9.The domestic policies of Roosevelt’s New Deal and its significance

10.Women’s position in American society

11.The declining of the crown – the signing of Magna Carta and its significance

12.The European Community

13.A look at the mass media of today

14.On ancient Roman architecture and sculpture

15.On culture shock
