

Instructions for admission to IELTS Test Center in Jiangsu Normal University (Updated onFebruary 12th, 2023)



All test takers who have registered for IELTS in Jiangsu Normal University need to abide by the following requirements:


Please enter Quanshan Campus of Jiangsu Normal University through the North Gate. Please go to the test building through the designated route and leave the campus immediately after the test.

2. 进入校园须遵循以下要求:

Entrance Regulations:

1) 考生进入校园,必须佩戴一次性医用口罩,体温测量正常(口试和笔试两次检测体温均需要低于37.3摄氏度)。

To enter campus, candidates should wear a disposable medical mask, have a normal body temperature (below 37.3℃ on the days for speaking test and written test).

2) 出示身份证和准考证。所有进校考生(包括18岁以下考生)的家长、陪考人员一律禁止入校。

Present your National ID card and admission ticket. Parents / companions of test takers (including those under 18 years old) are prohibited from entering the campus.


Taxi, hired cars and private cars are prohibited from entering the campus.

4. 请考生牢记口试和笔试的考试时间,按时达到考场参加考试。

Please remember the speaking and written test time, and arrive at the respective test room on time.


We will keep you updated if there is any change on the above arrangements. Should you need any further assistance, please call 0516-83656508 during 08:00 to 17:00 in the working day time. Thank you.




 IELTS Test Centre of Jiangsu Normal University


February 12th, 2023